Pixel Gun Conception Wiki

Currently, there are 7 different classes within the game. Every class has a separate array of weapons, skills, and abilities for a different type of playstyle/role.

The player can choose their class within the game lobby or in the Armory.



The Assault class is a class that excels in its versatility within combat situations. They have medium armor and medium mobility. They are mainly equipped with equipped with assault rifles, pistols, a Combat Knife, and grenades. However, they are not equipped with any special gear or weapons. They are effective at all ranges.


The Recon class is a class that excels in being the agile and fast-paced. They specialize in mobility, and tracking enemies to the fireteam. They have light armor and high mobility, and are equipped with submachine guns, pistols, a Combat Knife, and grenades. They are also equipped with the Trak-R and Overwatch Drone, which allows them to highlight enemies to allies. They are effective at short-medium range.


The Engineer class is a class that excels in defense. They specialize in area-denial and breaching walls for the fireteam. They have medium armor and medium mobility and are equipped with submachine guns or shotguns, pistols, Special weapons or a launcher, and a Combat Knife. They are also equipped with Turrets; which will automatically target and suppress enemies. Their shotguns are also capable of breaking through barriers and doors, capable of creating new pathways for the team. They are effective at short range-medium range.


The Support class is a class that excels in firepower. They specialize in suppressing enemies and resupplying ammunition to other members of the team. They have heavy armor and low mobility and are equipped with light machine guns, pistols, a Combat Knife, and grenades, They are also equipped with an Ammo Box; an exclusive gadget to Co-Op campaign that resupplies ammo to all teammates within its radius. They are effective at medium-long range.


The Sniper class is a class that excels in long ranged combat. They specialize in picking off certain enemies and guarding points from enemies. They have light armor and high mobility and are equipped with sniper rifles, machine pistols, a Combat Knife, and grenades. They are also equipped with Infrared Goggles; a special gadget that highlights enemies in low/minimal light, as well as invisible enemies. They are effective at long range.


The Medic class is a class that excels in support. They specialize in replenishing health to all teammates, as well as boosting combat effectiveness via health buffs. They have light armor and high mobility and are equipped with submachine guns, pistols, and a Combat Knife. They are also equipped with a Health Pack; a large Health Kit capable of healing teammates and offering a temporary health regeneration. They are effective at close-medium range.


The Demolition class is a class that excels in explosives. They specialize in their explosive capabilities and guarding points with their mines. They have heavy armor and low mobility and are equipped with shotguns or submachine guns, pistols, a Combat Knife, and a launcher. They are also equipped with C4 Charges; a special gadget that can be planted on all surfaces and detonate at will as well as Claymores; a special gadget that can be planted on the group which will decimate any enemy infantry within a 10m area. They are effective at short-medium range.

